Can we trust an algorithm to judge the good quality of content? This is the bet that Google engineers have made!
Today, being well referenced on the Google search engine always goes through content and keywords. It is indeed impossible to do without text in order to make Google crawlers understand the theme of the pages that we are trying to reference.
How Is Rankbrain Changing The Game?
Before 2015, we could criticize SEOs for wanting to optimize their content for search engines and not for the end user at all costs. As a result, many pages on the net are indigestible or even illegible for an informed reader. But why blame the SEO for entering the game of Google by stuffing its pages with strategic keywords without guiding thread?
If this technique has had its heyday, today following successive updates to its algorithm, Google sanctions this practice. RankBrain is just coming to finalize a trend that started several years ago: to oblige SEOs to produce intelligent and intelligible content!
What Indicators To Judge Good Content?
RankBrain reconciles several signals in order to judge the quality of the content of a given page:
The Presence Of Related Lexies
Good content is content optimized for a given keyword and which will use a semantic universe close to that keyword. By related lexies, one should understand terms related to the subject treated. If I seek to reference my page on the term "composition football", it will be necessary to appeal to the vocabulary of this universe with lexies such as "strategy" "defense" "attack" "ball circulation" "pressing" ...
On-Page Criteria
There are many on-page performance criteria found on Google Analytics such as bounce rate, time spent on the page, number of pages per session ... Based on these indicators, RankBrain will be able to judge the quality of the response provided by the page to the user. Good content will therefore be assumed to perform better on these indicators, a positive sign for RankBrain.
Google does not support pogo-sticking, this barbaric term corresponds to the user's round trips between the Google result page and the sites visited. If a user stays only a few seconds on a site before returning to the result page, then RankBrain will receive a negative signal from the page and the content in question. On the other hand, a page that would end the search for the Internet user will be promoted by RankBrain because it provides the answer sought!
Notice to unscrupulous SEOs: content has a bright future ahead of it. So do not hesitate to take the time to write long, structured texts that provide answers by raising the right questions. By supplementing this approach with a relevant semantic universe RankBrain will reward your efforts by gaining position in natural referencing.
Kamran From Digital Agency